
Electrical Characteristics of Multi-Layered, Solution-Processed Indium Zinc Oxide Thin-Film Transistors

Soochang You, Anvar Tukhtaev, Gergely Tarsoly, Han Lin Zhao, Xiao Lin Wang, Fei Shan, Jae‑Yun Lee, Jin Hee Lee, Sung Il Jang, Yong Jin Jeong and Sung‑Jin Kim

Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology 2024 19 4 2521-2526. DOI: 10.1007/s42835-023-01689-4


Solution processable metal oxide semiconductors offer opportunities for large area fabrication of transparent logic circuits without requiring expensive vacuum equipment. Indium zinc oxide (IZO) is one of the more popular research targets for use as active layer in thin-film transistors (TFTs). In this paper, we present our results on the fabrication of TFTs with IZO semiconductor film using spin-coating from the 1:1 molar ratio mixed solution of indium nitrate and zinc carbonate. We optimize the device fabrication process by studying the effect of stacking multiple layers on top of each other. The electrical characteristics of the TFTs are found to depend strongly on the number of the spin coating steps employed. The practical applicability of the TFTs is also demonstrated by fabricating a load-type inverter circuit and measuring its electrical response, modeling operation in digital circuitry.